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Notes on video lecture:
Two Types of Change: Perception and Reality
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
perception, perceiving, reality, Parmenides, discontinuous, instantly, deep, perception, Heraclitus, reality, client, change, minds, necessary
a CEO is in charge of             
we have to understand the          nature of change in order to be a good manager of change
                     was convinced that change is not possible
                     believed in ever-present change
The Prince, a book about change and resistance of change
to change is a challenge
there are two types of change
1. the change of               
like a tree that is growing, each week it is different
they way your company continually changes over time
2. the change of                     
the way you look at your company
this is a difference kind of change
changing your perception happens                   
a CEO in charge of change has to cope with the two types of change and the rules for each type of change are completely different
not only your perception, but your             's perception
to change is to change twice
example #1: someone is always late
1. change in reality
GPS in the car
meetings scheduled later
its not enough
2. change in                     
has to change perception of punctuality
"I want to be on time, I have time for a coffee and am better prepared"
example #2: journalism
1. change in reality
people used to receive a newspaper and read it
now they find stories from many newspapers via Google
2. change in perception
we have to realize that as we read, we also give information to Google
example #3: mergers
when two banks merge
changing               : you have to build a reality of one single accounting system, one single computer system
changing           : people need to change how they go about their work, this is often the forgotten half of change
there has to be a new mental model in people's minds
for a CEO it is hard to master, but it is                   
CEO needs a simplified vision
a new vision involves not just a change of degree but a paradigm shift, a different way of                     


######################### (515-450 BC)
Founder of the Eleatic school of philosophy (universal unity of being), taught that change is impossible
  • existence is timeless, uniform, necessary, and unchanging
######################### (535-475 BC)
Taught that there is ever-present change in the universe
  • "No man ever steps in the same river twice"
  • self-taught and a pioneer of wisdom
  • lonely life

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

From the be-aware-of-what-language-hides department via this morning's Philosophy for Managers class: "Whether on paper or online, we say that we 'read a news article', but this phrase describes two entirely different acts depending on whether the news article was on paper or online. Reading a news article online is equivalent to reading a news article on paper, but then afterward, filling out a form stating which article you read, the parts of the article you read, how fast you read the article, which advertisements were visible while you read it, whether or not you are interested in those advertisements, and with whom you shared the article you read and their relation to you, and then sending this completed form to Google and numerous other companies for processing."
Via tonight's Philosophy for Managers class: "Parmenides was convinced that change is not possible whereas Heraclites believed in ever-present change. CEOs in the 21st century, of course, are obliged to see the world as Heraclites did. Yet there are two types of change:(1) change in reality, and (2) change in perception. It may take you weeks, months, or years to change the reality of your company, but you can change the perception of your company in a moment, and when it happens, everything is different."
Two Types of Change: Perception and Reality