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Notes on video lecture:
Aeneid: The Odyssey with a Virgilian Twist
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Mediterranean, truths, Venus, amazed, harried, Carthage, Athena, found, return, cosmological, Juno, senate, twist
Virgil's Aeneid and Homer's Odyssey
Aeneas is traveling around the                            in a way that parallels Odysseus' journey home
Odysseus is                by Poseidon whereas Aeneas is harried by         
Odysseus is protected and looked after by             , Aeneas is protected by his mother,            (who parallels the Greek Aphrodite)
Aeneas' purpose of his journey was to            a home, where Odysseus' was to              to his home
both have to fight to gain their home, but Odysseus to regain his home, where Aeneas will have to fight to establish his home
for every parallel that you find, there is going to be some Virgilian           
each time he makes a reference, he's tweaking it just a little bit
there's never any lock-step repetition
*** you can find hundreds of borrowings, but each of them is slightly off-center and each is interesting to look at
Aeneas has washed up on the shore at                  and he is trying to understand what he is seeing
we've seen this in Homer a number of times, and there is a parallel here with Odysseus landing on Scherie it seems with a grand citadel that he is observing
Odysseus is              by the wealth
Aeneas admires the orderliness of the workings building the city and walls, they have a             , and has a wash of admiration for a carefully constructed society that is going to work well
similar to Homer's treatment of Demodocus
poet in the Odyssey who often visits the court of Alcinous [al-SINN-oh-us], king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie [SKAIR-ee-ah]
Virgil looks to Demodocus as a model for a poet
Virgil has a                          understanding of poetry, talks about stars, planets
Virgil: "when you look at my poetry, understand it as a way of me telling you a story of the entire cosmos, read hard, read carefully, and you'll find grand              in my story"

Ideas and Concepts:

On the difference between Homer's Odyssey and Vergil's Aeneid, via this morning's Greek and Roman Mythology class: "For every parallel that you find between the Odyssey and the Aeneid, there is going to be some Vergilian twist. Each time Vergil makes a reference to the Odyssey, he's tweaking it just a little bit, referring to it but making it his own. You'll never find a lock-step repetition, each parallel slightly off-center, which makes each interesting to look at. For example, Aeneas has washed up on the shore at Carthage and is trying to understand what he is seeing as he gazes upon the city. We've seen this situation before in Homer where Odysseus lands on Scherie and looks upon the grand citadel. But what amazes Odysseus about the city the most is its wealth. However, when Aeneas gazes upon his newly found city, what he admires the most is the orderliness of the workers and the organized city structure:they citizens have a senate which makes laws, and the laws are enforced, and one sees the fruits of this in the organization and effortlessness of how the city operates. While Odysseus is on a journey to discover the world which he will compare to the home he already has, Aeneas has a goal to later found and erect a city from the ground up (Rome), and so it is natural that when Aeneas comes upon a new city, he would be awash with admiration at it as a carefully constructed society that works well, and notices most of all characteristics of the city that he can later emulate."
Myth, History, and Virgil
The Aeneid as Roman National Identity Narrative
The Journey of Aeneas
On Reading Vergil
Aeneid: The Odyssey with a Virgilian Twist
Aeneas, Laocoon, and the Trojan Horse
Disguised Odysseus Meets Eumaeus
Telemachus and Theoclymenus
Odysseus and Circe