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Notes on video lecture:
Two Modern Theories of Intellectual Humility
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
peers, reasons, blind, lessening, dangerous, brags, dissent, oblivious, servile, mindful, robust, status, dehumanizing, shipwrecked, arrogance, novice, unmatched, undervalue, contemporary, deprecation, beliefs, status
when people are faced with difficult questions
they prone to dismiss and marginalize               
politics is polarizing
in some parts of the world extremely                   
whether it is
Christian fundamentalism
Islamic extremism
militant atheism
religious dialogue remains tinted by terrifying and                          arrogance, dogma, and ignorance
the world needs more people who are intellectually              yet sensitive
need to be sensitive to                for and against their beliefs
intellectual humility
the virtuous mean between arrogance and self-                      
the humble person doesn't value herself too much or too little
the intellectual humble person doesn't overly value her beliefs, nor                      them
doxastic account
having to do with               
two dominant accounts of intellectual humility in                          philosophical literature
1. low concern for status account
Bob Roberts
Jay Wood
intellectual humility is viewed as the opposite of intellectual                   , or improper pride
desire to promote own social             
the intellectually humble person is not concerned about              that might be accrued by pursuing intellectual endeavors
pursue intellectual goods for their own sake
positive aspects
rightly captures a social dynamic
doesn't allow one to be too humble
but one can be so self-deprecating and so self-                   that their vicious, not virtuous
example: botanist
highly acclaimed botanist with a litany of scientific achievements with an                    knowledge of orchids
she cares nothing for social status or the accolades of her           
             botanist at best
is wildly obsessed with his status amongst his peers
regularly antagonistic towards Susan
they are at a garden
disagree about scientific name of an orchid
Susan treats Frank as an intellectual peer
situations in which there is no social status involved
examples: scenario
Frank is                        and alone
he can not longer be concerned with his status
he cannot help but to be intellectual humble
2. limitations owning account
Dennis Whitcomb
Heather Battaly
Daniel Howard-Snyder
Jason Baehr
a proper attentiveness to and owning of one's intellectual limitations
"when life calls for one to be                of a limitation, then and only then, will it appear on the ideally humble person's radar"
this means that intellectual humility is not just the opposite of intellectual arrogance
if you are completely                    to your limitations, then you will be intellectually arrogant
if you are overly attentive to and owning of your intellectual limitations, then you will be intellectually servile
you will be too humble
intellectual humility is            to intellectual strengths
1. allows people to be intellectually humble and intellectually arrogant
someone who is aware of limitations but            about strengths
"you need to meet Christopher, he's such a kind and humble guy, but you have to watch out, he's an arrogant jerk"
sounds contradictory
2. allows someone to be intellectually humble and intellectually               

Ideas and Concepts:

Types of reasoners, via tonight's Intellectual Humility class: "An accurate reasoner never believes any false proposition. An inaccurate reasoner believes at least one false proposition. A conceited reasoner believes that their beliefs are never inaccurate. A consistent reasoner never simultaneously believes a proposition and its negation. A normal reasoner believes proposition p, and also believes they believe proposition p. A peculiar reasoner believes proposition p while also doubting that they really believe proposition p. A stable reasoner believes that they believe proposition p, and actually does believe proposition p. An unstable reasoner believes that they believe proposition p, but in fact does not believe it, and although unstable, is not necessarily inconsistent. A queer reasoner believes they are inconsistent in their belief, yet is wrong in this belief."
Two Modern Theories of Intellectual Humility