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Notes on video lecture:
Speculations on How Life Emerged on Earth
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
ancestor, humans, banana, planet, Ribonucleic, infect, replication, biochemistry, unknown, complex, outside, thymine, speculation, genetic, decoding, empirical, double, spontaneous, tumefaciens, long, stomatolites, ribose, proteins, hard, bacterium, nucleic
how could all of this                life have emerged from far more simple chemicals
very little          data
a lot of room for                       
what we have is speculation based on some                    evidence
current hypotheses for the emergence of life
in any case
it happened a          time ago
in a place               
1. panspermia hypothesis
it might have arrived from                the earth
e.g. in meteorites
2.                        generation
it might have happened here on the             
             plants with cancer
e.g. the                    is regulating the tree, instead of the tree doing what it wants to do for itself, it serves the bacterium
the                material of the bacterium can change what a tree does
therefore the genetics must be very similar, otherwise this would not work
it points to similar                         
points to a common ancestor
when you eat an             
the building blocks of a banana are similar to that of             
if you try to eat a rock, you can't digest it
tracing a common                 
tree of line
points to a common ancestor about 3.5 billion years ago
tiny bacterial sitting on rocks
necessities for life
between DNA and                 
like the Swiss Army knife of the body
stands for                        acid, which is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding,                 , regulation, and expression of genes.
RNA and DNA are                acids, and, along with proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life
RNA differs from DNA in three ways
RNA is single-stranded instead of             -stranded
RNA contains             , DNA contains deoxyribose
the complementary base to adenine in DNA is               , whereas in RNA, it is uracil
you find these three conditions in liquid water and clay

Ideas and Concepts:

New academic term via this morning's Big History course: "Big History is an emerging academic discipline which examines history from the Big Bang to the present. It examines long time frames using a multidisciplinary approach based on combining numerous disciplines from science and the humanities, and explores human existence in the context of this bigger picture. It integrates studies of the cosmos, Earth, life, and humanity using empirical evidence to explore cause-and-effect relations. Big History distinguishes itself by studying the past using numerous time scales, from the Big Bang to modernity, unlike conventional history courses which typically begin with the introduction of farming and civilization, or with the beginning of written records. Courses generally do not focus on humans until more than halfway through, and, unlike conventional history courses, there is not much focus on individual kingdoms or civilizations or wars or national borders. If conventional history focuses on human civilization with humankind at the center, Big History focuses on the universe and shows how humankind fits within this framework and places human history in the wider context of the universe's history. Unlike conventional history, Big History tends to go rapidly through detailed historical eras such as the Renaissance or Ancient Egypt. It draws on the latest findings from biology, astronomy, geology, climatology, prehistory, archeology, anthropology, evolutionary biology, economics, cosmology, natural history, and population and environmental studies as well as standard history."
Speculations on How Life Emerged on Earth