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Notes on video lecture:
The Sensory Experience of Wine
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
seldom, social, flavors, Pasteur, focused, effervescent, biosynthesis, fructose, palate, focus, alcohol, oral, smoothness, Lussac, heat, craft, odor, beer, rigorous, rinse, sugar, smell, throat, yeast, tannins, juice, spit, stimulus, watery, aromatic
what is wine
the self-preserved            of the grape
a pleasant alcoholic beverage
a complex liquid sensory                 
grapes used for making wine              taste like the wine they are going to make
walking through the vineyard tasting grapes, they're delicious
but they don't specifically taste like Cabernet or Pinot or Chardonnay or Zinfandel
people often think that the grapes and the knowledge of when their ready to pick and harvest, is automatically implied by the                we are tasting in the grape at that stage
wine is a complex translation, transformation,                          of elements found in the grape into the final product that we love as wine
Gay-             (1778-1850)
knew about sugars
wrote the first balanced equation to transform            to wine
sugar is converted into alcohol with some gas escaping (CO2) and         
Louis                (1822-1895)
confirmed the existence of            as a transformative microbe
raw material stage of the grape
energy source for yeast is glucose and                 
contains much more
               (makes wine taste dry)
flavor precursors that the yeast will use
yeast are the biosynthesizers
creating a medium that is more and more alcoholic
final product
not just ethanol and water
flavor in wine
has many parts
mouth feel,          sensations
weighty or             
four senses used
to evaluate viscocity, density,                     , roughness, temperature
they overlap
when I look at a glass of wine, I can already            it
when I bring it up to my nose, I'm still looking at it
I see it
pull some air through it to make it turbulent and pop off some                 
all of our senses are used when we taste a glass of wine critically
wine tasting
tends to be             
while visiting wine country
while at a friend's house
sensory evaluation of wine is a more                activity
every time you taste a wine, you can acquire a large amount of sensory information
in a more                  setting when you are wanting to learn about a wine
characteristics of being a good wine taster
knowledge of basic sensory properties
knowledge of flavor and          components
critical wine tasters         , wine-tasting party goers swallow
wine has quite a bit of                in it
some insist that they cannot grasp the full sensory experience of          unless they sip a little bit at the end
beer is                          and perhaps they like the feedback they get from that
but most wines are 3 to 4 times the alcohol of most beers
not compared to modern            beers which can be 15% alcohol, but in general
if wine tasters started sipping they were very quickly lose their           , probably after the second sip
spitting is important
there are no taste buds down your             
keep a spit cup and pure water handy to            in between wines
what you need to taste and smell in the wine can be perfectly derived while the wine is on your             


######################### (1778-1850)
French chemist and physicist known mainly for his discovery that water is made of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, together with Alexander von Humboldt
  • produced the degrees Gay-Lussac used to measure alcoholic beverages in many countries
  • in 1802 he formulated the law, Gay-Lussac's Law, stating that if the mass and volume of a gas are held constant then gas pressure increases linearly as the temperature rises
  • in 1804 he and Jean-Baptiste Biot made a hot-air balloon ascent to a height of 7,016 meters in an early investigation of the Earth's atmosphere, collecting samples of the air at different heights to record differences in temperature and moisture
  • in 1808 he was the co-discoverer of the element boron together with Louis Jacques Thénard and Sir Humphry Davy.
  • In Paris, Rue Gay-Lussac lies between the Palais du Luxembourg and the Sorbonne

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

Working definition via tonight's Wine Analysis class: "Wine has been defined in many ways for many reasons and in many contexts, but seen with an eye for sophisticated analysis, one can say that wine is a complex liquid sensory stimulus."
The Sensory Experience of Wine