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Notes on video lecture:
The Use of Press Releases in Journalism
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
PRWeb, China, read, street, influences, identical, reworked, pictures, press, disease, image, social, journalism, lives, actions, missing, feedback, based, reporters, negative, unemployment, following
why care about news
some news stories directly affect our           
numerous people taking to the              in your community
a deadly                that breaks out
the                          rate reaching a record high
today what we do on the Internet can determine news
e.g. picture posted on Facebook of racist restaurant sign in            that was picked up as a story by many international papers
our                are becoming part of the news
more and more people are getting their news through              media channels
more and more, what we like, share, tweet, comment and tag                      what news is seen
through the Internet, journalists are also getting real-time                  on their stories
the reaction they get on social media affects the way they make editorial judgements
news stories
differs from other story telling
where do journalists get information about stories
start with press release
Hong Kong University sent press release to newspapers
two local papers published news story based on            release
stories were essentially                    to the press release
different was that the news stories included a                  aspect, that the school's ranking had dropped
the rest of the articles was a                  version of what the university wanted the press to publish
how should we          these types of news articles?
is rewriting a press release a work of                     ?
the purpose of a press release
promote a product
project a positive           
if we could identify where journalists get their information, we would be better off
we know why it's there
we have a better idea what other information could be               
check government press releases
check in the                    days for stories which use them
see how much text and                  are taken as is
example: a fake press release distributed through            which reported that Google bought a WIFI company for $400 million
activity: find a news report that is            on a press release

Ideas and Concepts:

From the we-are-the-news department, via this morning's Making Sense of the News class: "Today what we do on the Internet is determining more and more what news we see, e.g. a picture someone posted on Facebook of a racist restaurant sign in China was picked up as a story by many international papers. Not only are our online actions becoming part of the news, but more and more people are getting their news through social media channels, and more and more of what we like, share, tweet, comment, and tag influences what news is seen by us and others. In addition, journalists are now getting real-time feedback on their stories, the reaction they get on social media affecting the way they make editorial judgements."
Rhetorical question of the day via tonight's Making Sense of the News class: "Is rewriting a press release a work of journalism?"
The Use of Press Releases in Journalism