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Notes on video lecture:
Magna Carta and the Medieval World
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Italy, localized, boundaries, game, cloth, fields, 1215, shires, well, Flanders, 1220, ruled, manor, sheep, wealthy, slower, slaves, 9, monarchy, 3, unpopular, soil, feudal, John, oil, free, Nottingham
England 800 years ago when the Magna Carta was signed
communication much             
society was much more                   
much less crowded,    million compared to today's 60 million
the landscape peppered with villages
surrounded by wide open             
tilled by the peasantry
a small proportion were         
not             , but tied to the land
worked on the land
produced a surplus most of which was turned over to those who            England
the aristocracy
land owners
kings lived in castles
knights lived in            houses
Salisbury Cathedral
begun in          just after the Magna Carta
built in 38 years
economically less developed than more advanced areas of continental Europe where the            industry flourished
England had a cloth industry but less industrialized
but England had           
exported wool to Flanders
wool was like        is today
England had it
Flanders wanted it
because of wool, England was a                country
governed by a powerful                 
a rural society
the fruits of wealth were the fruits of the         
today:    million
13th century: 40,000 people
people could fit in a small sports stadium
Magna Carta
the product of
relatively wealthy society
mainly because of wool exports to                 
country where the monarchy was a dynamic force
England was         -governed and politically advanced compared to its European counterparts
a "much governed country"
known for signing the Magna Carta in          which promised
the protection of church rights
protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment
access to swift justice
limitations on              payments to the Crown
England's administration in 1200
divided into             , or counties, which describe the same thing
chief office of the king in each county was the sheriff
in charge of local tax collection
the reason he was so bitterly                   
like the Sheriff of                      in the Robin Hood legends
densely forested
a third to a quarter of England was covered by forest
it had its own law
law was oppressive
if you were caught hunting the king's         
this explains phrases in the Magna Carta limiting the forest's                     


######################### (1166-1216)
Known for signing the Magna Carta in 1215 which promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown
  • King John was given the nickname of Lackland because, unlike his elder brothers, he received no land rights in the continental provinces
  • yet the failed rebellion of his elder brothers between 1173 and 1174 made him the favorite child of the reigning monarch, King Henry II
  • although he has been described as "hard-working administrator, an able man, an able general" he is generally described critically in his capacity of a king, showing "distasteful, even dangerous personality traits, such as pettiness, spitefulness and cruelty"
  • these negative qualities provided extensive material for fiction writers in the Victorian era, and John remains a recurring character within Western popular culture, primarily as a villain in films and stories depicting the Robin Hood legends
Magna Carta and the Medieval World