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Notes on video lecture:
The Industrial Revolution and the Failure of the Russian Ruling Class
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
army, countryside, Czar, mobilize, spirit, successful, organize, trade, Russians, modern, confidence, consequence, ruling, money, industrialize, Japanese, Finance, education, constituent, Germans, entered, gold, mutiny, Duma, united, handicap, railroads
industrialization in the last decades of the 19th century as remarkably                     
Sergei Witte, Minister of                1889-1891
argued that Russia needed to                            to remain a great power
have to be able to have a great         
moving armies around
conservative modernization
wanted a positive balance of           
was able to put Russia on the          standard
meant that various foreign investors               
had the consequence that after the Revolution, the French wanted their            back
resulted in building                   , factories
the building of the trans-Siberian railroad
the conservatism of the court was a                 
afraid of the power of                   
compared to Japan
industrialization successful
social tension
the beginning of an industrial proletariat
had close connection from the                       
different than Europe
Russian proletariat didn't have the ability to                  as in Europe
they were miserable
felt part of the European spirit which was at the time imperialism
1905 Russo-                 War
ended disastrously for the                 
Revolution of 1905
direct                        of losing that war
three                        factors
working classes
army, on the verge of             
didn't succeed
because these three groups were not             
nobility won by giving concessions, significant
political parties could be and were formed
extreme right and extreme left
responsibility of World War I
astounding that the leaders of the countries that fought were from the same             
nobody in the ruling circles in any of these countries foresaw what kind of war they were entering into
nobody wanted the kind of war which actually came about
the Russian state was less able to                  than the other European countries
to what extent was Russia modernizing before the Revolution
if the war had not occurred, might have this modernization been successful
given the mentality of the              circle, it was not such as to be able to modernize on its own
January 1917
British ambassador came to see the         
expressed concern of the Russian armies to resist the               
said: you must regain the                      of your people
the Czar responded: it is the people who must regain my confidence
this indicated the inability of the Czarist court to understand the              world
Russian History in Context
The Industrial Revolution and the Failure of the Russian Ruling Class