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Notes on video lecture:
The Chemistry of Hunger: Glucose, Insulin, Leptin, Ghrelin
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
-ose, absorb, hungry, adipose, duodenum, obese, fast, receptor, declines
a kind of sugar (the suffix "        " denotes a sugar)
glucose levels have much to do with how we feel, e.g. if we are             
after a meal, you accumulate glucose in your blood
gradually the level of glucose in your blood                 
glucostats (glucose sensitive                  cells) monitor the amount of glucose and signal when there is not enough
when you have low glucose levels, you feel weak, and often when you feel weak, you feel hungry as well
infusion of glucose to                  (first section of the small intestine) speeds up the sense of satiety
insulin, produced by the pancreas, causes cells in the liver, skeletal muscles, and fat tissue to              glucose from the blood in order to convert it to storage
low level of insulin = hunger
high level of insulin = satiety
protein hormone
made by fat cells, i.e.                tissues
plays a key role in regulating energy intake and expenditure, including appetite and hunger
acts on receptors in the hypothalamus of the brain, where it inhibits appetite
low leptin level = hunger
high leptin level = satiety
mice without leptin or leptin receptors become            since it doesn't sense that it is full, so it keeps eating
amino acid and hormone
increased when energy is low
triggers the feeling of hunger
produced in the top part of the stomach
high ghrelin level = hunger
when you         , you produce a high level of ghrelin
because there is a time delay, you should eat smaller meals more frequently
The Transfer of Heat Through Foods via Conduction
The Chemistry of Hunger: Glucose, Insulin, Leptin, Ghrelin