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Notes on video lecture:
Interplanetary Languages
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on April 29, 2017 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
pleasant, , British, Grevel, piques, Howl, sober, bewilderment, civilization, country, Gascoigne, Love, colloquial, yourself, conformity, Modernist
poetry is metrical engineering
American poetry since the beginning of the 20th century
has concentrated on trying to use                      language
words in their accustomed order
that is a one of the roads into poetry
start with things that are much like                 
Alan Ginsberg (1926-1997)
best known for his poem "        "
denounced the destructive forces of capitalism and                      in the United States
T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
American-born                essayist
moved to England in 1914 at age 25
settled, worked and married
poem "The          Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915)
masterpiece of the                    movement
one can start in the 16th century
the subject matter has a directness
Fulke              (1554-1628)
Elizabethan poet, dramatist, and statesman
administrator who served the English Crown under Elizabeth I and James I
best known today
as the biographer of Sir Philip Sidney
for his            poetry, which presents dark, thoughtful and distinctly Calvinist views on art, literature, beauty and other philosophical matters
George                    (1535-1577)
most important English poet of the early Elizabethan era, following Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard
most noted works include "A Discourse of the Adventures of Master FJ" (1573), an account of courtly intrigue and one of the earliest English prose fictions
Finnegans Wake
it is often just too much to take
but the more literature and poetry you read, the more you are able to pick it up and read it like a book of poems
for me the dividing line is: is it viscerally                  for me to engage with it
I find if I am find literature attractive or enjoyable at a gut level, I can put up with any degree of confusion or                          that it offers
it's like being in a foreign country
if you find the way people are gossiping or arguing in Italian or Vietnamese interesting, if you enjoy watching people in the market, guessing if they are haggling or are they describing the card came and how it came out yesterday, and you really can't understand much of the language but it still              your interest and fascinates you for some reason, then you could listen for a long time, even at this extremely high linguistic complexity level, but if it doesn't interest you, then it's a kind of hell, you just want to go back to your hotel room and listen to language that is not so complex
each poet develops their own               , their own language and you have to enter into that
they have their own customs, language and                         


######################### (1535-1577)
  • most important English poet of the early Elizabethan era, following Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard
  • most noted works include "A Discourse of the Adventures of Master FJ" (1573), an account of courtly sexual intrigue and one of the earliest English prose fictions
  • "The Supposes" (1573) an early translation of Ariosto and the first comedy written in English prose
  • he was taken prisoner after the evacuation of Valkenburg by English troops during the Siege of Leiden, and was sent to England in the autumn of 1574, afterwards dedicating to Lord Grey de Wilton the story of his adventures, "The Fruites of Warres"
  • he acknowledged Chaucer as his master, and differed from the earlier poets of the school of Surrey and Wyatt chiefly in the greater smoothness and sweetness of his verse

Ideas and Concepts:

On the enjoyment of literary complexity, via this evening's Art of Poetry class:

"The best example of the failure of literary complexity is Finnegans Wake. For most people, this work is just too much to take. But the more literature and poetry I read, the more I am able to pick up this piece of literature and read it like a book of poems.

For me, the dividing line for complexity is whether a work is pleasant for me to read a visceral level while I engage with it. If I find a piece of literature attractive or enjoyable at a gut level, I can put up with almost any degree of confusion or bewilderment that it offers.

It's similar to the experience of being in a foreign country. If you find the way people are gossiping or arguing in Italian or Vietnamese interesting, if watching them interact in the market place interests or fascinates you at some level, guessing if they are haggling or are they describing the card came and how it came out yesterday, and you really can't understand much of the language but it still engages you deeply in some way, then you can listen to them for a long time, even at this extremely high linguistic complexity level at which you understand almost nothing. But if it doesn't interest you at any level, then not being able to understand its intended meaning is a kind of hell, and you just want to go back to your hotel room."
Interplanetary Languages