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Notes on video lecture:
Focused and Diffuse Modes of Thinking
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
keys, steel, spacial, saucer, playing, focus, metaphors, invention, detail, painting, difficult, wake, bizarre, prepare, drop, often, learning, hypnagogia
examples of bringing ideas from diffuse mode into            mode
Salvador Dalí
would fall asleep in his chair with his          dangling in his hands
when he began dreaming his grasp would relax and he would          his keys
the keys falling to the floor would wake him up
he would rush to his                  and paint the ideas from his dream onto his painting
Thomas Edison
would take a nap in his chair sitting upright with a large,            ball bearing in each hand, and on the floor under each he would place a steel metal             
when he would fall asleep, the ball bearing would hit the metal saucers and          him up
at this point he is in a state of                     , a state between consciousness and sleep in which he would write down his ideas
while Dali would generally use this concept freely in order to produce maximally                ideas, Edison would                his trips into hypnagogia by focusing on a specific challenge he was facing with an                   , then letting the thoughts surrounding it diffuse as he moved into another mode of consciousness
when you are learning something                   
approach it in both focused mode (concentrated studying) as well as diffuse mode (dreaming,               )
go back and forth between these two learning modes           
                   provide powerful techniques for learning
e.g. set up a                area in your mind, something that has a lot of             , e.g. the room you grew up in
use this spatial area to "put" the concepts you are learning, revisit it often, even when you don't have your                  material


hypnagogia, n. [hip-na-GOH-jee-ah] the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep  "Edison was utilizing what was named hypnagogia, a variety of states that can be experienced as we hang onto consciousness while moving towards sleep."

Spelling Corrections:

Focused and Diffuse Modes of Thinking