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Notes on video lecture:
Deterritorialization and Modernization
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Deleuze, theatrical, relocate, cultural, forces, symbols, railways, western, negative, exaggerated, Eisenstadt, Hobsbawm, Internet, mobility, manifold, deterritorialization, spatialized, variability, domination, 1972, Appadurai, disconnected, second, diaspora, modernization, fluid
the relation between theater, globalization, and                 
mobility is understood in two ways
1. migration
people relocated to different parts of the globe in the 19th and 20th centuries
their theatrical cultures followed them
2.                      mobility
theatrical actors and performances which moved around the world
coined by Gilles                and Felix Guattari
         book Anti-Oedipus
referred to a type of            subjectivity
most globalization theories use the term in a cultural sense
the experience of being                          from traditional cultural matrices by the experience of migration
Arjun                   : deteritorialization is displacement
one of the central              of the modern world
relocating and mixing different classes of people
creating                        attachment to politics and religions of home, often resulting in fundamentalism
creating new artistic and media markets in the                 
a way of thinking about cultural contact in                        terms
culture is tied to territory
if territory is left or lost, then so is the culture
cultures are passed down by human beings who carry their cultures with them
when they                 , so do their cultures and cultural practices
these altered forms are sometimes spoken of in                  terms
also have productive forces
therefore                                          is not entirely a negative force
people use media and their imagination to combat the effects of deterritorialization
leads to reterritorialization
new ties are established with the new                  space
via television,                 , theater
the theatricality of mobility
the means of transportation and communication that made this expansion possible
shipping lines,                 , telegraphic communication
without with theater on the move would have been impossible
one of the most controversial terms in our vocabulary
it often stands for exploitation as well as benefit
it is seldom used in terms of theater, but it should be
the introduction of mainly                technologies and institutions to societies which had been traditional in outlook
while it is clear that the implementation of telegraphic communication, railways, and printing presses in this sense, we should also include western style theater
Eric                 , "The Age of Empire"
"Certain institutions typified the zone of development of European                     , notably the essential secular university, which did not exist outside this zone and, for different purposes, the Opera house. Both these institutions reflects the penetration of the dominant Western civilization"
universities and opera houses came to be seen as                of modernization
multiple modernities
modernization led to a wide range of responses to the way modernity and modern institutional patterns and dynamics
institutions must be seen in terms of their cultural variability and not as monolithic entities
modernity is a process of adaptation and cultural                       
while the technologies of modernization were relatively similar, the responses were                 

Ideas and Concepts:

The concept of multiple modernities via this morning's Theater and Globalization course: "Modern institutions must be seen in terms of their cultural variability and not as monolithic entities, as modernity is itself a process of adaptation and cultural variability. Modernization led to a wide range of responses to modern institutional patterns and dynamics. While the technologies of modernization from railroads to universities to opera houses were all relatively similar, the responses to these technologies were manifold."
Deterritorialization and Modernization