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William Wordsworth: Poetry, People and Place
Simon Bainbridge, Lancaster University
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The Life of William Wordsworth
Notes taken on September 8, 2015 by Edward Tanguay
William Wordsworth
one of the greatest poets of the English language
born 1770 in Cockermouth, north west England
English lake district
mountainous area know for its scenery
much of his poetry especially his Prelude described his childhood in this area
nature took on parental role for him
who died when he was 13
formally schooled in grammar school in Hawkshead
1787 Cambridge University, St. John's College
composed poem An Evening's Walk
1793 first published volume
1790s two trips to continental Europe
1. in 1790 walking through France and Switzerland
2. in 1791-92 residing in France
country was in revolutionary fervor
Bastille had been stormed in 1789
Wordsworth became increasingly interested in liberty, equality, and brotherhood
love affair with French woman Annette Vallon
1792 gave birth to their child
1793 outbreak of war between Britain and France
1802 visited her in Calais with her 9-year-old child
"It is a beauteous evening, calm and free"
1795 received legacy to have the financial freedom to become a poet
a role he felt was his vocation
met Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy moved to Alfoxton House, Somerset, just a few miles away from Coleridge's home in Nether Stowey
1798 published Lyrical Ballads together
significant landmark in English literature
an early contribution which was later christened Romanticism
renewed interested in natural world
emphasis on the feelings of the individual
belief in the creative power of poet's imagination
1799 returned to settle in Lake District
with sister Dorothy, an important writer herself
frequently visited by Coleridge
three writers created a supportive and constructive literary community
worked on The Prelude, a piece recognized as his masterpiece
1802 William and Dorothy traveled to Calais to meet Annette and Caroline
brief piece between the countries
made arrangements for their financial support
explained he was going to marry Mary Hutchinson
1802 William and Mary married
son John born the next year
first of five children
wrote much of greatest poetry in Dove Cottage (Town End, Grasmere)
surrounding area providing subject matter for many of his works
1808 larger family now moved to larger house
1813 Rydal Mount
1814 The Excursion
1843 poetry laureate
1855 sister Dorothy died