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C O U R S E 
A History of the World since 1300
Jeremy Adelman, Princeton University
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
Turn-of-the-Century Civilization and its Discontents
Notes taken on October 8, 2017 by Edward Tanguay
turn-of-the-century economic unease and swelling discontent about the nature of the system that was coming into being
was increasingly uncertain if markets be relied upon to be self-regulating and self-contained
the fear that economic difficulties could lead to economic difficulties
John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)
what would happen to the economy if at the center of the system was weaker than we thought
the world economy spent several centuries suspending itself to frontiers
capitalism had grown in expansion in its ability to extend outwards
the ability to go global was running into trouble
Frederick Jackson Turner (1861-1932)
the American frontier is closed
the Herero people rising up against the German colonists
shrinking of the world
made the parts of it more visible to each other
social classes began to see the disparities which separated them
made the world more intervisible
the right not to be property
Olaudah Equiano had been fighting this
certain social classes were winding up with a larger and larger share of wealth and property
women were fighting to have the rights that the Enlightenment thinkers had claimed to be so universal
started to transcend nation-states
become intervisible with each other
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)
"women, too, are reasonable creatures"
deserved to practice the rights that were being subscribed to men
to participate in the choice of who represented people politically
Suffrage March Edinburgh, 1907 and 1909
led by the WSPU (Women's Social and Political Union), one of the main suffrage organizations in Edinburgh
was a disparaging word used to scorn women who wanted to be able to vote as men did
soon it became a label of resistance
fanned out from Britain to America and Japan
some men were not particularly happy
counter protests
to roll back the demands of women who wanted to vote
resorted to increasingly dramatic tactics
1913 Epsom Derby
Emily Davison hurls herself out in front of the king's horse
trampled to death in front of shocked spectators
1917-1918 Kimua Komako in New York
feminist from Japan
at end of First World War
1904 International Council of Woman
first truly global social movement
shrewd in using the media to inform and persuade