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C O U R S E 
Roman Architecture
Diana Kleiner, Yale University
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
The Temple of Jupiter OMC
Notes taken on January 17, 2014 by Edward Tanguay
Temple of Jupiter OMC
509 BC building of the temple commenced
Etruscans were ascendant (768BC-264BC)
area of Italy north of Rome
now Tuscany, Lazio, and Umbria
any, Lazio and Umbria
unique language
D. H. Lawrence's Sketches of Etruscan Places and other Italian essays
used power to gain ascendancy in Rome itself
period of Etruscan kings
chief temple of ancient Rome, and the most important Etruscan temple
dedicated to the Capitoline [CAP-i-tol-lighn] Triad
Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, or
daughter of Jupiter
Roman goddess of wisdom and sponsor of arts, trade, and defense
equated her with the Greek goddess Athena
we will see see them honored in other temples as well
when it honors these three, it has an effect on the architecture
had a strong impact on late Roman temple architecture
Capitoline Hill was the religious center
quite a bit of evidence
still standing in 4th century AD
burned down several times
each time rebuilt in new style
rectangular structure
free standing columns inside
single staircase
gives building a focus (front)
Roman architecture if very much an architecture of facades
back wall is plain
central space in temple
three parts for each god
tall podium, over 4 meters tall
altar located outside the front of the temple, the priest would officiate outside
wood for columns and superstructure, same as Palatine huts
mud and brick for podium and walls
terracotta (earthenware)
Parthenon in Athens vs. Temple of Jupiter OMC
in building Temple of Jupiter, Romans picked and choose from Greek and Etruscan temples
Greek temples
sit on lower podium
stairs encircle entire building
single cella, never triple
built out of marble, magnificently, whereas Romans were using wood
when Romans used stone, it was under the influence of Greek architecture
what is left of the Temple of Jupiter OMC
the podium is left
made in the ashlar masonry style
Capitoline Hill
redesigned by Michelangelo, created the oval piazza and all three palaces there
the conservatory
the senatorial palaces
today serve as two museums
Book tip via this morning's Roman Architecture class, D. H. LAWRENCE AND ITALY: SKETCHES FROM ETRUSCAN PLACES, SEA AND SARDINIA, TWILIGHT IN ITALY: "In these impressions of the Italian countryside, Lawrence transforms ordinary incidents into passages of intense beauty, a collection of travel writings first published posthumously in 1932. Lawrence contrasts the life affirming world of the Etruscans with the shabbiness of Benito Mussolini's Italy during the late 1920s. Those who have read Lawrence's fiction will recognize his writing. He describes what he encounters with a visceral language: people, clothing, food, establishments. Some of the places are stunning and some so filthy you wonder how he could have stayed overnight. These essays are classics. Etruscan Places almost single-handedly revived modern interest in the Etruscans and was essential to the preservation and study of their tombs and paintings. Throughout, Lawrence is sensitive and insightful. An added patina to these works is the fact that they were written in the 1930s during the build-up toward WWII. There is an immediacy mixed with nostalgia here that is compelling." http://www.amazon.com/D-H-Lawrence-Italy-Sketches/dp/0141441550 ##etruscan