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C O U R S E 
Jesus in Scripture and Tradition
Gary Anderson, University of Notre Dame
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
Rembrandt's Depictions of the Trial of Jesus
Notes taken on February 4, 2018 by Edward Tanguay
the chosen are the ones most responsible for Christ's death is demonstrated in
the liturgy of the Church
artistic representation
Rembrandt's two depictions of the trial of Jesus
first image
depicts the presentation of Jesus to the crowd
uses details of contemporary buildings in Amsterdam
viewers from that time would have recognized that the buildings behind Pilate and Jesus
mark the style of public building in their own town
presentation of those who demand Jesus' death, they look like the Dutchmen of Rembrandt's day
emphasizes the ordinariness of the eager spectators
this would be as if a contemporary Rembrandt depicting Jesus being convicted at your city hall by people who look like you and your neighbors
in a subsequent work, Rembrandt removes the audience from before the tribunal
now Jesus looks directly into the viewer of the picture, not the crowd in front
we the viewers become those demanding Christ's death
like Peter, no matter how much we want to claim our innocence, we are the ones who demanded the Savior's death
Bach's St. John Passion
Bach was deeply immersed in the Christian tradition
in that portion of the Gospel where Peter is denying his Lord, Jesus has been struck by one of the guards
Bach inserts a choral which brings the story to the audience, putting us in the middle of the story
the words the choir sings are arresting:
"I and my sins which are as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore, they have caused the sorrow that strikes you and the grievous host of pain."
makes it clear that no benefit is gained by reflecting on the question of culpability
whether Jew or Gentile is of secondary significance
Jesus' death was occasioned by our sin
oppression of the Jews by the Catholic Church
important to retrieve the official teaching
Christ died for our sins
we have to present this in some way that we played a role in his death
when the story of the Passion is read out loud during mass
it's the congregation who speaks the words that demand the death of Jesus
just as the sons of Jacob lowered Joseph into the pit, it is the sons and daughters of Christ who condemn him to death
when we see the disciples acting the way they do in Mark, Mathew, Luke and John, it is not only to teach us about these figures but about us