C O U R S E L E C T U R E Temple of Portunus in Rome and Temple of Hercules in Cori Notes taken on January 20, 2014 by Edward Tanguay |
dates between 120BC and 80BC
which "looks nasty as it usually does, it's very green and not the sort of place you would want to take a swim in"
next to Temple of Portunus is round temple called the "Round Temple by the Tiber" for obvious reasons
the plan of Temple of Portunus
more like an Etruscan temple with Greek features
has steps in the front for a facade
deep porch with free standing columns
columns go all the way around (Greek), but they are not free standing (attached to the wall)
stone (Greek), not wood
Travertine stone from Tivoli
walls are made of tufa but pasted over with stucco, thus looked like a Greek temple
columns are in Ionic order
you don't see the Etruscans using this
concrete was used inside the podium, can sustain great weight
ruble, liquid mortar and a dash of volcanic dust
probably one reason it is still in such good condition today
Romans found the best location in Cori for their temple, at the very peak of the hill
deep porch with free standing columns
has pilasters or flat columns
columns are fluted (have striations in them), but not fluted at the bottom
people are more likely to lean up against the columns which break off the flutes
ancient buildings and sculptures were often painted