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C O U R S E 
Buddhism and Modern Psychology
Robert Wright, Princeton University
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
Anātman: Buddha's Concept of the Not-Self
Notes taken on June 4, 2015 by Edward Tanguay
the concept of the not-self
two ways to understand it
1. intellectual: reading about it
2. experiential: meditating on it
the discourse on the not-self
where the Buddha talked about the not-self
the second sermon he delivered after his enlightenment
first was discourse on the four truths
testament to the importance of the not-self in Buddhist thought
the Not-self, the illusion of self, something different from spirit or soul, the unreal projected by ignorance on the real, the absence of a self, a thing with the property of not existing, a rendition of the impermanence of being
what did the Buddha mean by the self?
two ways
1. delve into the philosophical discourse of the time and try to determine what the word meant to the Buddha
2. infer what the Buddha meant by self from his argument against the self
if an alien came and found a paper written arguing that Santa couldn't exist because a man can't visit more than a million homes a night, one could conclude that this what people believed
in the same way we will understand what the Buddha mean by the self by looking at his arguments against the self
the five aggregates
constitute everything about a person
1. form
anything physical in the world
your physical body
2. feeling
3. perception
our five senses
4. mental formations
5. consciousness
the phenomenon of subjective awareness
you cannot find the self in any of these aggregates
two characteristics of each of these
1. impermanence, e.g. characterized by change
if the self is characterized by change, is it proper to call it self?
the self is something we believe to persist through time
consistent with how we view the self today, a continuity of identity
self is a solid essence that endures through time
the Buddha says too much changes so it is hard to say a self is there
2. associated with control
if feelings were self, you could control them
if form (body) was self, you could control its shape and functionality
the self is the thing that asserts control
the self should be under control, the self's house should be in order
you ultimately don't have control over your body, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness
the self is about control and persistence through time
and the fact is that there is not as much control over the various faculties as we like to think
and we are not as impermanent as we like to think, i.e. we can't remember thousands of memories we once had