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C O U R S E 
Programming Mobile Applications for Android
Adam Porter, University of Maryland
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
The Activity Class
Notes taken on June 23, 2014 by Edward Tanguay
layout files
specifies what some part of your application will look like
these are XML files
in res/layout/*.xml
access them in Java as R.layout.layout_name
access them by other resources as @layout/layout_name
you can have multiple layout files which android can choose from at runtime based on your configuration
e.g. main.xml
if held horizontal, then this layout file will be used
Android generates a class called R from the application
the layout class with main field gives you a handle to the main.xml file
implement classes
involves writing at least one activity
in onCreate() you do four things:
1. restore saved state
2. set content view
3. initialize UI elements
4. attach code to those UI elements
e.g. MapLocation application
MapLocation extends Activity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
a data structure containing anything Android might have saved the last time
onCreate has to call super.onCreate
for the UI elements, you pass in the id of the desired element
setOnClickListener(...) defines what happens when user clicks
package application (.apk file)
name of application
list of components
other information
hardware features required (e.g. camera)
minimal application
minimum API level
install and run
you can do this in eclipse or from the command line using the adb tool, e.g.
adb install PATH_TO_APK
activity class
primary class for interacting with users
provide a visual interface
by convention, activities should be modular
a single, focused thing
viewing e-mail
logging in
you then string together tasks
task backstack
tasks need to be properly suspended and resumed
a task is a set of related activities
can span multiple applications
when user hits home button, the current task is temporarily closed
when activity is launched, it's pushed onto the task backstack
when it is destroyed:
user hit back button
program terminated itself
android decided to kill that activity in order to reap its resources
when task1 e.g. has a button to got to task2, its state is captured so user can go back to it
when back button is clicked, activity is killed, and next activity in task backstack is started
the activity lifecycle
acvitities have a lifecycle but are not in control of it
depend on user behavior
android can kill activities
lifestyle states
resumed/running state
activity is visible and user can interact with it
user not interacting with it
can be terminated
no longer visible
android may terminated it
activities need to behave differently during different states of lifecycle
Android announces lifecycle changes by calling template methods
you can override any of these in order to hook in functionality for each state
simple application: one activity, starts, waits, closes
the visible lifetime is between onStart() and onStop()
the interactive lifetime is between onResume() and onPause()
e.g. if the phone goes to sleep, then onResume() is called
if e.g. in the map application map covers the whole activity, then onStop() is called since the activity is no longer visible
then when back button clicked: onResume(), onStart()
onStop() may be skipped if Android terminates the application
four functions
sets activity's content view
retain reference to UI views
configure views
to handle special processing
e.g. if you have to check the database again or some API call
activity is about to become visible
loading persistent application state
activity is visible and about to start interacting with the user
starting animations
playing background soundtrack
shut down foreground-only behaviors
save persistent state
may be restarted later so:
cache actvitity state
remember: may not be called when activity terminates, e.g. if Android kills it due to low memory
therefore, save activity state in onPause since that is always called before activity is terminated
release activity resources
shutting down private threads started by this activity
may not be called, e.g. if activity is killed
starting activities programmatically
create intent
pass it to startAcvitity()
pass it to startAcvitityForResult()
assumes a result come back
passing in a result code and data
and a resultCode:
confiuration changes
languages use, screen size, device availability
when these change, Android will usually kill running activities and restart them with the changed configuration
e.g. from portrait mode to landscape mode and back
the activity will be killed and restarted twice
so if your startup code is slow, it will affect the user experience
to speed this up, you can save and cache important state information
cache hard to recalculate data by calling onReatinNonConfigurationInstance()
called between onStop() and onDestroy()
then in onCreate(), call getLastNonConfigurationInstance()
or you can manually handle it, define this in the AndroidManifest.xml
then the activity's onConfigurationChanged() method gets an object specifying the new configuration, e.g. if from landscape to portrait