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C O U R S E 
Greek and Roman Mythology
Dr. Peter Struck, University of Pennsylvania
C O U R S E   L E C T U R E 
The Journey of Aeneas
Notes taken on January 14, 2014 by Edward Tanguay
written between 29BC and 19BC
tells the story of Aeneas, a Trojan who traveled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans
first half: journey from Troy to Italy (like the Odyssey)
second half: Trojans' victorious war upon the Latins (like the Iliad)
the text
"I sing of warfare and a man at war"
Virgil makes clear at the beginning that he is going to tell both an Iliad and Odyssey-like story
instead of suggesting that muses use the bard as mouthpieces, Virgil says, "I am a human being and I am going to be doing the singing about this past"
uses the concept of fate: no matter what you do, Aeneas will reach his destiny
Greek sense of fate was backward looking, links you to the past, e.g. Oedipus
Roman sense of fate was forward looking, more like our concept of destiny
the Aeneid is a story largely drawn out by large, tectonic forces pushing it forward
moves from sea coast of Troy to Italy to Lavinian Western shore, and "the Romans know he is talking about them"
ancient Roman goddess
protector of the state
daughter of Saturn and sister of chief god Jupiter
mother of Mars and Vulcan
her Greek equivalent is Hera
patron goddess of Rome
Juno keeps holding back Aeneid's drive to his destiny, constantly retarding the progress
journey achieved with lots of pain and suffering
many people get torn up in the machine of this journey
friends push him forward and Juno pushes him back
his future is to build something: a city
build walls
make order out of something chaotic
has laws that organize people
the enemy is disorder and confusion
the friend is clarity and conciseness: will show the straight lines which show what it means to be Roman
building walls his something he is anchored to in his heroic expression
Aeneas is marked by pietas
duty, religiosity, religious behavior, loyalty
one of the chief virtues among ancient Romans
distinguishing virtue of the founding hero Aeneas
utterly devoted to his mission
devoted to duty, more than Greek heroes
the divinities become angered with Aeneas