These are notes and flashcards from language learning videos I watch at Yabla. Each video is about 3-5 minutes long, is in full-speed authentic Italian (e.g. from movies, or commercials, or interviews) and below the video is the text in Italian and English. If you click on a word you get the definition. I try to watch one video per day, record useful phrases as flashcards, and then write a little review of it using Google Translate and Linquee. There is also a game at the end of each video where you listen to the video again and have to guess 10 words that are blanked out. A Yabla account costs $10 per month, but if you have the time to watch a video everyday, it is worth it, as your listening comprehension of authentic language will improve greatly.

Commissario Manara: Vendemmia tardiva 2/9
Notes taken on February 17, 2014 by Edward Tanguay
Questo episodio è stato molto avventuroso. Improvvisamente due bull terrier arrivano. I cani li inseguono. Saltano in un camion frigorfero e il conducente riceve nel camion e se ne va. Lara suggerisce si tolgono ivestiti e si stringono insieme quindi non congelare a morte. Quelle scena era abbastanza divertente. Anche in questo episodio imparato che il nome del commissario è Luca et il cognome del Lara è Rubino.
no c'è tempo di chiardere
stay calm
they use them for...
come here, handsome (to a dog)
are you crazy?
go! run!
damn it!
it's all your fault
help me!
get up, get up
I have the feeling that...
open up! aiuto!
what can we do?
mine, too
what a bummer
what are you doing? / what am I doing?
what should we do now?
oh, now that I know that, I feel better
it's the only way to
come here